Mentoring programs have been shown to impart a wide variety of benefits to its participants.


Studies Show

  • Littles felt more confident of their ability to complete their school work than children who did not have mentors.
    • Research has also demonstrated that youth who feel more confident in school tend to be more engaged and perform better.
  • Littles missed less school days than their peers who did not have mentors.
    • Littles were less likely to skip a day of school than those in a control group.
  • Greater high school graduation and college admission rates.

Role Models

Good adult role models, like the mentors that are selected and trained by BBBSRI help children cope with peer pressure, think through the consequences of their actions, and to become involved in socially acceptable activities.

Big Brothers and Big Sisters pass on a greater appreciation for scholastic achievement to their Littles by showing that they value education, and by taking an active interest in a youth’s progress at school. Studies show that children who have participated in Big Brothers Big Sisters’ mentoring program improve academically, personally, and emotionally.

Falasteen + Madison

Other Beneficial Outcomes

  • Research shows that children and youth do best when they experience strong, positive relationships in all parts of their lives.
    • Time spent with caring adults outside of the home and classroom can have a profound impact on how youth see themselves and the world around them.
  • Research has found that young people who experience strong developmental relationships across different parts of their lives are more likely to show signs of positive development in many areas, including:
    • Increased academic motivation;
    • Increased social-emotional growth and learning;
    • Increased sense of personal responsibility; and
    • Reduced engagement in a variety of high-risk behaviors.